Add Countdown Timer Before Download Starts in WordPress

by | Sep 18, 2020 | How To

Countdown timer is something many blogger wants to use for their website, especially within download page. If you have a wordpress site and likes to have a timer, do check this post & learn how easily you can add countdown timer before download starts. Timer within the post helps to grab your viewer’s attention, also to get good impression.

Plugins to Use: insert header and footer & shortcode
Go to Plugins > Add New > Search the plugins > Install Now > Active.
Install both plugins and active it.

Plugins for countdown timer in wordpress

Download countdown timer script:

How to use plugins and script
Once you download/copy the script and active the plugins, you need to paste the script in insert header and footer. Go to Settings > Insert Headers and Footers. Paste the script in Scripts in Footer section and save. In the script you can change the timer from 20 sec to 10 or 15 second as your wish.

Add new post or simply go with any post but main point is you need to use insert shortcode. Click on Shortcode > Button, in the button link keep the link of download file. You can also change the background and text color, in content section write what you want to show in the button. You can see the live preview if you want. Click on the insert shortcode if everythis is complete to edit. Remember you do not have to fill Description, Download, OnClick, Rel Attribute, Title Attribute, Button ID and Extra CSS Class; leave it blank as it is, doesn’t mean you can’t use. Feel free to try if you wish to use all sections.

Moreover, add id=”download” after su_button, if it is not used timer won’t be shown while visitors open the post. Check out the preview and see if it is working or not.

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