How To Reduce Video Size Without Losing Quality

by | Oct 3, 2020 | How To

Are you a video editor? Do you have a large video size that takes a long time to upload or takes a huge space on your computer? There is a solution for you to reduce video size without losing quality. Wanna know how to make it possible, all you need is a software HandBrake.

What is HandBrake

Handbrake is the open-source software for converting video from almost any video format to a selection of widely supported codecs MP4 and MKV. You will love HandBrake once you start using it plus its free software that is available on all platforms – Windows, Mac, and Linux. Download the latest version of HandBrake from the website.

Reduce Video Size Without Losing Quality

Compress/Reduce The Video Size

HandBrake has lots of preset to select a target device to compress large videos. Even though there are lots of presets, you can leave as it is into normal. All you need to do is drag the video in the software and follow these steps.

  1. Place the file destination where you want to keep the new file
  2. In Output Settings – mark the web optimize choose your format MP4/MKV
  3. Click on the start button
  4. Finish

In more advance – you can change the video codec, framerate(fps), and video quality. HandBrake is useful for those who do editing in sony vegas pro, adobe after effect, or premiere pro as rendered videos have a huge size that can be compressed. Using handbrake it reduces video size without losing quality and can be uploaded to YouTube or other uploading platforms fastly.

For example, if I drop video with a size of 69 MB in handbrake and after compressing I get a video with 17 MB.

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